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Padilla Bay Volunteer Program

Padilla Bay Volunteer Program

The new Padilla Bay Volunteer Program is off and running! New Volunteer Coordinator, Catherine Buchalski, has been busy meeting with Padilla Bay Reserve staff and funding partners to develop a framework for this volunteer consortium. Everyone is feeling very positive and excited about the future! To share that energy with you, the Padilla Bay Foundation is partnering with our fellow non-profit Friends of Skagit Beaches to host an open house from 1-3:30PM after the Friends' annual meeting on January 30. We will provide information about the new Padilla Bay Volunteer program, provide details about upcoming training events and volunteer opportunities in 2015, and get your input on what you hope to see happen over the next year. It will also be a unique opportunity to learn about and actively explore the Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. We'll have materials available for you to officially sign-up and register as a Padilla Bay Volunteer, and a door prize just for attending.

Mark Friday, January 30th on your calendars now - you won't want to miss this event! If you have any questions about the open house or the program, please contact Catherine via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone: 360.428.1559.

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