By Lynne Jordan on Friday, December 05, 2014
Category: Community

Fidalgo Shoreline Academy 2015

Friends of Skagit Beaches is pleased to announce the 4th Annual Fidalgo Shoreline Academy, A One Day University for Everyone on Saturday, April 11 from 9 AM-4 PM at the Fidalgo Bay Resort in Anacortes. Chose from a variety of presentations about current issues facing our marine environment, exciting new research from NOAA, and an array of topics about Salish Sea ecosystems and culture. This year's Keynote speaker is Dr. Joe Gaydos, Senior Wildlife Veterinarian and the Chief Scientist for the SeaDoc Society.  SeaDoc is a science-based marine conservation program of the UC Davis Wildlife Health Center located on Orcas Island that has a focus on designing a healthy Salish Sea. For over a decade Joe has been working on wildlife health and ecosystem health issues in the Pacific Northwest. He has published dozens of peer-reviewed scientific papers on topics related to diseases that impact human and wild animal health in species like harbor seals, river otters, porpoise and killer whales. While he's a bit of science nerd, he also has a passion for all things wild: wildlife, wild places and wild people. Joe works to connect people to the amazing resources of the Salish Sea and was recently honored with the 2014 Seattle Aquarium Conservation Research Award, and we're excited to offer a book signing opportunity for his recently co-authored book, The Salish Sea: Jewel of the Pacific Northwest, at the event.

Online registration will be available in February on the Friends of Skagit Beaches website.